Brian Gerosa
“When it comes to music for some reason, if you add music to some information, it sticks to my head, I remember it." - Brian Gerosa
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In our inaugural episode we sit down Brian Gerosa, the owner and proprietor ofGerosa Records. Located in Brookfield, Ct., the shop has been up and running since 1986. It is a rare breed of people like Brian that can have a customer walk through his doors with little to no direction as to what they are looking for, and end up leaving equipped with a new favorite record.
Brian has managed to keep a successful record store open for the past 30 years throughout the constant changes within the music industry. The ability to remain active and relevant through countless format changes, multiple recessions, the explosion of pirated media, and the introduction of free streaming services should be enough to land him a spot in the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame.
It was an incredible experience having recorded this episode in the same shop that I once rummaged through for hours as a young audiophile. If you ever need to satisfy a craving for that smell of record crates, or are interested in reclaiming your once killer collection, make sure you pay a visit to Brian and his incredible store.