Passion. Heartbreak. Angels. Devils. Duende, And of course, Jazz. These are the things that keep guitarist Anthony Purrone driving and striving for the truth in his playing and just a few of the things that we mined through during our time together.
Lucinda Rowe & Michael Connelly
My guests today are songwriting and performing duo Lucinda Rowe and Michael Connelly. Based in the idyllic hills of Sherman, CT and forged out of the iconic rock sounds of the ‘70’s, these two have paid their dues and then some.
Zach Brock
Fawn Segerson
To kick-off 2017 with style and grace my first guest in the studio is the smart and talented Fawn Segerson, otherwise known as Lullaby Girl. We talk about growing up in small town Connecticut, touring Paris, and her love of Elvis and Dolly Parton.
Jono Manson
Howard Massey
David Dann
For this weeks episode I had the pleasure of sitting down via skype with Mike Bloomfield historian, David Dann. We recently spent time together up in Portland Maine for a screening of the film that I co-produced called Sweet Blues where Dann served as a moderator for the panel discussion.